Seventh Post in the Series. |
I found a very interesting article on the role (or lack thereof) of the organ in many of our churches today. The sound of an organ leading congregational singing reverberates within my soul! There is nothing like the sound of voices coming together in song, led by an organist who knows their instrument and therefore how to make the music come alive! I often lament about congregational singing and concur with the author of the article "Does the Church Organ Need to Go" (linked below).
Although I do believe some texts and music are not edifying nor appropriate for worship, good congregational singing is not necessarily about the style of music. We worship our Creator through congregational singing, so the music should serve a
theologically driven text and if the singing is supported and led by the incomparable tone/character/timbre of an organ, all the better!
Enjoy the article!
Does the Church Organ Need to Go by Mark Harland