The semester swiftly came to a close but not before Union's Choral Program presented its annual Christmas Festival Concert. I am proud beyond measure of the musicality and devotion to excellence of the Union Singers, Union Harmony, and the Regional Chorus. I am also thankful for (and humbled by) the support of the Union College family and Barbourville community.
For the third consecutive year, I have put together a brief movie clip of the choirs. The music playing in the background (Lo, How a Rose E'er Blooming) was recorded by Union Harmony (2012) and the photos were all taken this fall.
Merry Christmas and enjoy the clip!
For the third consecutive year, I have put together a brief movie clip of the choirs. The music playing in the background (Lo, How a Rose E'er Blooming) was recorded by Union Harmony (2012) and the photos were all taken this fall.
Merry Christmas and enjoy the clip!