On Thursday, March 28th a retirement reception/celebration was held for Melissa Garrett, Jim Garrett, John Taylor, and Jim Cox. (Sigh) I have erased this sentence many times, since it is quite difficult to know what to say! Nevertheless, I'll give it a shot by stating the obvious -- all four will be greatly missed by students and colleagues alike. Of course, Jim Cox and John Taylor will still be living in the area and we will continue to see them involved in campus life. And although Jim and Melissa Garrett are moving to Alabama, I have no doubt they will also be gracing us with their presence from time to time.
For their reception, Union Harmony and I wanted to surprise them with a (beautiful) musical setting of a well-known Irish Blessing. It is my favorite and reads:
"May the road rise up to meet you. May the wind be always at your back. May the sunshine warm upon your face and the rain fall soft upon your fields. And until we meet again, may God hold you in the palm of His hand."
The following pictures are compliments of Dr. Candy Wood and show Union Harmony singing and the retirees watching the presentation.
Melissa, Jim, John, and Jim -- God's grace and peace to you.