A New Year Awaits: Looking forward...

Fall classes begin a week from tomorrow and I couldn’t be happier. Yes, you heard me right – I couldn’t be happier! I love the beginning of a new school year. This time last year I wrote a post on that very subject. Here is just a small portion of what I wrote –

“Each new semester brings with it a new beginning, a “do over” if you will. One can reflect upon the previous semester(s) and decide what worked, what didn’t work, and what worked even though one may be unclear why! … This feeling I get (especially as the Fall semester approaches) reminds me of how I felt growing up -- a new school year would be on the horizon and I knew it was a time to make changes, to try something new, to be a better student, etc… . It is my hope and prayer that I can, in some small way, make a difference in [my student's] lives. So, as a new academic year begins, I want to challenge you to embrace this time of new beginnings. Sola gratia…”

It is indeed a time of new beginnings! I am looking forward to the Union College Singers as they begin rehearsals on Wednesday, August 24th at 1:00 p.m. If you are a UC student and want to be a part of this outstanding ensemble, simply register for MUSC 152! Although Union Harmony has a singing engagement even before classes begin, their first “official” rehearsal of the semester is Wednesday, August 24th at 3:00 p.m.

The UC Regional Chorus will also be starting up again very soon. Their first rehearsal will be on Tuesday, September 6th at 7:30 p.m. This fine choir is made up of singers from Barbourville, surrounding communities, faculty, staff, and students. If you would like to be a member of the RC, please contact me at 546-1333 or ggandy@unionky.edu.

Before I conclude my post today and as I get in the mindset of Christmas (yes, Christmas in August!) I want to share with you “What Sweeter Music” penned by Robert Herrick, set to music by John Rutter, and performed by the St. Olaf Choir. I have crossed paths with this beautiful carol several times through the years. It is set beautifully and this “marriage” of text and music is so profoundly moving. You will find the text and link below – please enjoy this thoughtful interpretation of "What Sweeter Music" by the St. Olaf Choir.

Blessings to you at this time of new beginnings…

What sweeter music can we bring,
Than a Carol, for to sing
The Birth of this our heavenly King?
Awake the Voice! Awake the String!

Dark and dull night, fly hence away,
And give the honor to this Day,
That sees December turn'd to May.

Why does the chilling Winter's morn
Smile, like a field beset with corn?
Or smell, like to a meadow newly-shorn,
Thus, on the sudden? Come and see
The cause, why things thus fragrant be:

'Tis He is born, whose quick'ning Birth
Gives life and luster, public mirth,
To Heaven and the under-Earth.

We see Him come, and know Him ours,
Who, with His Sun-shine, and His Showers,
Turns all the patient ground to flowers.

The Darling of the World is come,
And fit it is, we find a room
To welcome Him.

The nobler part
Of all the house here, is the Heart,

Which we will give Him; and bequeath
This Holly and this Ivy Wreath,
To do Him honor; who's our King,
And Lord of all this Revelling.

What sweeter music can we bring,
Than a Carol, for to sing
The Birth of this our heavenly King?