One Year and Counting...

I can’t believe that I have been blogging for an entire year! My first post was on September 28, 2009. When I realized that I was coming up on the one year mark, I evaluated the blog to see if there were any changes or adjustments that I wanted to make. By and large, the blog’s purpose and function have been satisfactory. However, I have done some “tweaking” to not only the format of the blog, but also to its purpose.

From the beginning I intended for the blog to be meaningful to not only choral conductors/enthusiasts (through the topical blog posts), but I also wanted it to serve, in a more direct way, the Union College Choral Program. Essentially, I wanted two blogs in one. Of course, the topical blog posts are often an outgrowth of my work with the UC choirs, so there is some interrelated material between the topical posts and “Blog Too.” Nevertheless, as you look at the new format, you will find that I have indeed created two blogs in one.

On the left side of the page you will find topical blog posts and on the right side of the page you will find frequent posts specifically directed toward members of the UC Singers, Union Harmony, and the Regional Chorus. In order to accomplish this I needed the right side of the blog to be more spacious (wider if you will), which after a bit of experimentation I was able to accomplish. I also needed to move my profile, blog archive, concert schedule, etc… to another part of the blog. Again, after some experimentation I found that the foot of each page seemed like the ideal spot.

I began working on the format change about a week ago and am happy with the new look and revised function. I did run into a few “snags” when changing the format. For instance, all (and I do mean all) of my blog posts no longer included paragraphs, lists, indentations, etc…. Sigh, I had to go back and “reformat” each post. But, I know that all things being equal, the transition has gone rather smoothly.

If you have a comment about the new design/function, please feel free to email me. In general, I have found that readers of blogs very often do not leave comments, so I have removed this option from my blog for now. However, please feel free to email me with your comments/questions/observations.

So begins my second year of blogging. Please come back from time-to-time to read a topical post or to see what is happening within the Union College Choral Program!
