As I look back over the last many years, I have many things for which to be thankful. I am proud that the Union College Choral Program consists of three solid choral ensembles and that any student who has the desire to sing, can be a part of the music program. The choirs have maintained a high profile and have presented quality choral performances that have not gone unnoticed by our college, community, as well as, surrounding communities. What a privilege to work in a discipline that “weds” wonderful texts to beautiful music.
I also love being what I call a “regular” classroom teacher. I thoroughly enjoy teaching -- whether it is Introduction to Music, Music History, or Music Theory. I also get to teach one-on-one voice lessons and watch (hopefully:) students bloom and grow in their vocal technique and singing. As I reflect upon my life (so far) as a college professor, I can say with all sincerity that I am grateful to work in a field I love and am equally grateful for being a part of my student’s lives. It is my hope and prayer that I can, in some small way, make a difference in their lives. So, as a new academic year begins, I want to challenge you to embrace this time of new beginnings. Sola gratia…