An accomplished pianist, Bruce had a particular love for jazz and exploring the limits of improvisation within the genre. As a young man, he studied with Oscar Peterson who is renowned for his work in the field of jazz music. Oscar Peterson was one of the founders of “The Advanced School of Contemporary Music.” I found a great article (online) from a 1961 issue of Ebony magazine that spotlighted the school and Oscar Peterson -- there is even a picture of a young Bruce Martin in this article. The web address is extremely long, but if you google [“Bruce Martin” Ebony Magazine] the link will be at the top of the page. The article begins on page 43 and the picture of Bruce (at work with Oscar Peterson) is on page 44.
I first met Bruce when I came to Union eight years ago. I was unsure who was going to accompany the student ensembles, but am so grateful that Bruce was able to serve as accompanist for the UC Singers and Union Harmony during my first semester at the college. Bruce continued to be gracious in lending his talents to the music program when called upon to do so. One of the things I so appreciated about Bruce was his optimism. He was my brother in Christ who greeted me with a smile and was always eager to help in any way that he was able. On behalf of the Union College Music Program, I want to offer my condolences to his family and express our sincere appreciation for Bruce’s many years of dedicated service to our music program. Soli Deo Gloria