I came across a post called "How to Write An Awful Worship Song." (By the way, I was made aware of this post while reading yet another blog, and one of my favorites http://www.challies.com/). At any rate, the author of "How to Write An Awful Worship Song" is a song writer himself and wrote an insightful and amusing post. One example from his post says "Make the Song All About You.The main point of your song should be your experiences and how God makes you feel. Don’t bother with objective truth about God. I would suggest that you use the words “I” or “me” at least 12-15 times...."
Take time to read not only the post, but the replies he received -- some agree with the author, while others took offense. www.theblazingcenter.com/2010/05/how-to-write-an-awful-worship-song. By the way, "I Was Blogging and Found......" will be a regular feature on my blog. Happy Reading....