In Paradisum from Faure's Requiem

The Regional Chorus is diligently working on one of the most beloved works of choral literature, Gabriel Faure's Requiem. In our rehearsal this past Tuesday, I spent a great deal of time on the last movement of this seven movement work, In Paradisum. It is not part of the liturgical (Roman Catholic) Requiem Mass, but is instead from the burial service. Faure chose to end this modified/protestantized requiem (as numerous musicians/scholars have called it) with the In Paradisum text.

Please consider the translation of this beautiful text -- "May the angels lead you into paradise; May the martyrs welcome you upon your arrival, and lead you in to the holy city of Jerusalem. May a choir of angels welcome you, and, with Lazarus, once poor, may you have eternal rest." source:

The sopranos begin this movement harkening the angels to lead one into paradise. The movement ends (and in turn the entire work) with a return to the opening phrase of the entire work, Requiem aeternam, "rest eternal."